Monday, July 7, 2008

User friendly...

Well, here I am at the crux stage of keeping a blog going... 1 month on and still going strong! Thank you for your interest and support and for your prayers. I am also continuing to learn about these things and have been tweaking the settings a bit to try and do some new things.
Hopefully this will make it easier for you to keep up with the 'constant updates'!

If you would like to know when this blog is updated feel free to ‘subscribe’ via RSS feed. It lets you know when the site has been updated. Most current web browsers now have RSS capability. It is simply a matter of going to my website and then pressing the button on your browser that looks something like this:

It will give you a list of ‘feeds’ that it found on that page for you to choose to subscribe to. Once subscribed, A link will appear in your ‘favourites’ list (in the feeds section) in the web browser and change to notify you each time a new post is added.
Thanks to Michael who shared this secret knowledge. His blog is a stimulating read, just click on his name there.


mike said...

Onya G-train I'm subscribed to your RSS feed.

Unknown said...

Enjoying the Blog. Using RSS regularly - its the only way to keep up to date with stuff. If you use Google Reader you can also use Google as your home page and set it up so that your list of unread items appears there....